Friday, November 25, 2005
Imagine there were no circles.
Before I begin, I'll apologise. I have not added a post for a few days now. This is due to a household emergency, a slutty, two-faced bitch, an assault and a robbery. These have all been sorted, and now everything is back to abnormal.
Anyway, I've always wondered about the so called "wisdom" of the circle. Everywhere you look, it's circle, circle, circle. The wheel, the circle of life, circle of protection, 360 degrees, o and 0, it's seen as asthetically pleasing and the boreholes of guns are circular too (Although you generally don't see these for very long). They can be used in peace, but they're also used in war, and stagnate the technological development of the world. This is a fact. It may be an ubsubstantiated fact, with no evidence to support it, but nevertheless, it is fact.
I'll start off with my first negative. Circles have stagnated the technological development of the world. Let's start with the wheel. Now if the circle had never existed, sure, the horse and cart might have taken a bit longer to invent. But think! We have been using the wheel for about 6,000 years! 6,000 years of sameyness. Trinny and Susannah would have a field day. A horse is easy enough to invent, but if there were no circles, then what? I'll tell you. Instead of a horse and cart, you'd have a horse and hovercart. Yes. We would be hovering a long time ago. Think of the benifits to society! Cars that can hover! Isn't that every person's dream? To have a car that can hover. If you don't think so, dig deep inside, and you'll know it's your true heart's desire.
In nature, the circle of life rules every living creature. It's a terrible object, but also flawed. You see, if we obeyed a "line" of life, then we would be immortal, as we'd never die. The line would be never-ending, like a circle, but with no death and decomposition stage. So all you people who want immortality, it's the circle to blame.
Also, holy things have a halo. A halo of gold. Now what's wrong with that circle? Well it's made of gold. Circles are commonly made of gold (or silver), which makes them highly desirable objects. They're called "rings" in our case. See, halos and rings lead to crime. People want to steal the rings, and people kill due to religion (intrinsically related to the halo). So the majority of crime and terrorism is also due to the circle.
They also emphasise human weakness and inadequacy. Draw a perfect circle. Go on. Na na, you can't. And neither can anyone else. You can't even make a circle, which means you are inadequate, in the world of circles. So circles also lead to depression and suicide.
I suggest that all circles be replace with squares. Nothing in life is ever as simple as a circle. They're always bumps along the way. A square has edges which represent bumps. Also, they have a greater surface area, which means they'll slow down bullets and increase wind resistance, saving lives. Not only that, but they can be used to poke people when they don't listen to you, and as they are sharper, will cause them pain and make them take notice of you. It's the perfect attention seeking device.
In any case, my square mouse is digging into my palms now, so I will stop. Bonjour and Konichiwah!
Anyway, I've always wondered about the so called "wisdom" of the circle. Everywhere you look, it's circle, circle, circle. The wheel, the circle of life, circle of protection, 360 degrees, o and 0, it's seen as asthetically pleasing and the boreholes of guns are circular too (Although you generally don't see these for very long). They can be used in peace, but they're also used in war, and stagnate the technological development of the world. This is a fact. It may be an ubsubstantiated fact, with no evidence to support it, but nevertheless, it is fact.
I'll start off with my first negative. Circles have stagnated the technological development of the world. Let's start with the wheel. Now if the circle had never existed, sure, the horse and cart might have taken a bit longer to invent. But think! We have been using the wheel for about 6,000 years! 6,000 years of sameyness. Trinny and Susannah would have a field day. A horse is easy enough to invent, but if there were no circles, then what? I'll tell you. Instead of a horse and cart, you'd have a horse and hovercart. Yes. We would be hovering a long time ago. Think of the benifits to society! Cars that can hover! Isn't that every person's dream? To have a car that can hover. If you don't think so, dig deep inside, and you'll know it's your true heart's desire.
In nature, the circle of life rules every living creature. It's a terrible object, but also flawed. You see, if we obeyed a "line" of life, then we would be immortal, as we'd never die. The line would be never-ending, like a circle, but with no death and decomposition stage. So all you people who want immortality, it's the circle to blame.
Also, holy things have a halo. A halo of gold. Now what's wrong with that circle? Well it's made of gold. Circles are commonly made of gold (or silver), which makes them highly desirable objects. They're called "rings" in our case. See, halos and rings lead to crime. People want to steal the rings, and people kill due to religion (intrinsically related to the halo). So the majority of crime and terrorism is also due to the circle.
They also emphasise human weakness and inadequacy. Draw a perfect circle. Go on. Na na, you can't. And neither can anyone else. You can't even make a circle, which means you are inadequate, in the world of circles. So circles also lead to depression and suicide.
I suggest that all circles be replace with squares. Nothing in life is ever as simple as a circle. They're always bumps along the way. A square has edges which represent bumps. Also, they have a greater surface area, which means they'll slow down bullets and increase wind resistance, saving lives. Not only that, but they can be used to poke people when they don't listen to you, and as they are sharper, will cause them pain and make them take notice of you. It's the perfect attention seeking device.
In any case, my square mouse is digging into my palms now, so I will stop. Bonjour and Konichiwah!
Andrew, 6:16 PM

Have a look at the rest of my posts. Due you, in all honesty, think this is serious? :P
No chance, but it's just fun to...not lower your self-esteem in any way but I just feel smarter when I discredit these theories, lol.
, at
I agree that we are in a world of circles, I'll give you that, but people didn't "invent" the circle, it was discovered, re-created and improved upon. By the theory I know of how the circle was discovered, it was through rocks. Rocks are everywhere, THEY are unavoidable, not the circles.
First Theory: Without the wheel, messages, goods, almost anything would not be sent quickly enough so therefore civilisations may suffer and may even become extinct without the wheel (attached to cart) to send goods around. So the world would not be better off. As for the hovercars, there have already been experiments on hovering craft and guess what, THEY'RE CIRCLE-SHAPED! So without the circle, the hovercraft wouldn't be created.
Second Theory: The circle life doesn't refer to immortality, it refers to how things are born, alive, then die to be decomposed into fertiliser, fertilising crop, and crop being eaten by those that are alive at the time...Just watch Lion King, I know it's Disney but that is the circle of life, that has been confirmed in many ways by science (i.e. The carbon cycle, respiritory cycle, the list goes on)
Third Theory: Okay, now I think this point is the only one that makes sense...even though it is remotely. The reason rings are made for fingers in precious metals is because our fingers are circle-shaped...not square, hexagon or octagon shaped. As for the Halo...I dont know it's origin but it may be linked to the circle of life...or maybe that the skull is slightly circle-shaped?
Fourth Theory: Now, the theory on Squares saving lives...yes, they do. Shields are often made of a square shape (The romans rounded of their edges to move faster) I agree that lifeis not like a circle, but it is not like a square either, it's a line with curves, peaks and canyons (if you want to call them that). The point of a bullet is to cause damage so I don't think it's designer would make a square bullet... Now the poking people thing...that's kool but irrelevant.
I also suggest you get a new mouse that fits the shape of your palm...and it's Konnichiwa.
Hope you like reading my thoughts on your theory, I may leave comments on other depends how good/stupid they are.