Saturday, November 12, 2005
The wormy anti-bomb-bomb
One day, you're walking to work. You know, just a usual, every-day stroll along the tree line avenues, when suddenly, you're instantly vapourised by a nuclear explosion, detonated by either a terrorist, or fired from a remote location off the coast of Iran, or maybe some dissidents in Russia. In any case, you have died.
Now lets rewind that. You don't want to die, I'm sure. So why wasn't there an invention around to prevent you from being blown up by the nasty bomb? That is a good question.
My suggestion is so: An anti-bomb-bomb! A bomb that is used to blow up these bombs. Now I hear you all cry: "There already is one!". Well maybe, but nothing to the scale or ingenuity of my idea.
Worms, maggots, decomposers etc. You find them everywhere. Soil, rubbish, dead skin, rotting flesh. You name it, you find it. I propose that the MoD fits tiny bombs into the genetic structure of those grubs native to the UK. When a bomb's detonation sequence is started (ie, when someone sets the alarm clock to 8:32AM, and starts the clock ticking), these creatures, at the speed of light (they have speed of light boosters installed), build a huge mount of earth around the bomb, before detonating themselves on the bomb.
This has some major benifits. Worms, being more in tune to nature and madmen than us humans are, are more sensitive to these bombs than we are. Also, being wormey, they are no great loss. Not only this, but they are numerous. Plus, as they can detect bombs before the actually detonate, and deal with it at 3x10e8 m/s. They are also handy at decomposing the remains of the bomb safely (all bombs are made of organically decomposable materials, in conjunction with Greenpeace's "We will kill you children if you don't do green things" policy), and of course, the remains of their dead cousins when they blew themselves up to destroy the bomb.
So let's fast forward. One day, you're walking to work. You know, just a usual, every-day stroll along the tree line avenues, when suddenly, you're instantly vapourised by numerous small explosions, detonated by small worms and grubs that have entered your stomach at the speed of light. You've died. You see, what you've failed to realise is the terroist put the nuclear bomb in your morning Corn Flakes. How do you detect that? That's for another time.
Now lets rewind that. You don't want to die, I'm sure. So why wasn't there an invention around to prevent you from being blown up by the nasty bomb? That is a good question.
My suggestion is so: An anti-bomb-bomb! A bomb that is used to blow up these bombs. Now I hear you all cry: "There already is one!". Well maybe, but nothing to the scale or ingenuity of my idea.
Worms, maggots, decomposers etc. You find them everywhere. Soil, rubbish, dead skin, rotting flesh. You name it, you find it. I propose that the MoD fits tiny bombs into the genetic structure of those grubs native to the UK. When a bomb's detonation sequence is started (ie, when someone sets the alarm clock to 8:32AM, and starts the clock ticking), these creatures, at the speed of light (they have speed of light boosters installed), build a huge mount of earth around the bomb, before detonating themselves on the bomb.
This has some major benifits. Worms, being more in tune to nature and madmen than us humans are, are more sensitive to these bombs than we are. Also, being wormey, they are no great loss. Not only this, but they are numerous. Plus, as they can detect bombs before the actually detonate, and deal with it at 3x10e8 m/s. They are also handy at decomposing the remains of the bomb safely (all bombs are made of organically decomposable materials, in conjunction with Greenpeace's "We will kill you children if you don't do green things" policy), and of course, the remains of their dead cousins when they blew themselves up to destroy the bomb.
So let's fast forward. One day, you're walking to work. You know, just a usual, every-day stroll along the tree line avenues, when suddenly, you're instantly vapourised by numerous small explosions, detonated by small worms and grubs that have entered your stomach at the speed of light. You've died. You see, what you've failed to realise is the terroist put the nuclear bomb in your morning Corn Flakes. How do you detect that? That's for another time.
Andrew, 4:29 PM
i suppose its ok as long as ur not a worm